Solving the Enigmatic Conundrum: Need to Add Substring from Column, Column, and Custom Value but Returns 0 in SQL (phpMyAdmin)
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Solving the Enigmatic Conundrum: Need to Add Substring from Column, Column, and Custom Value but Returns 0 in SQL (phpMyAdmin)

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Have you ever encountered the perplexing scenario where you need to extract a specific substring from a column, combine it with another column, and then add a custom value, only to be met with the frustrating result of 0? Well, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the heart of SQL and phpMyAdmin to unravel the mystery and provide you with a step-by-step guide to overcome this obstacle.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s break down the problem statement:

  • You need to extract a substring from a column.
  • You need to combine the extracted substring with another column.
  • You need to add a custom value to the resulting combination.
  • However, when you execute the SQL query, it returns 0 instead of the expected result.

Why Does This Happen?

In PHPMyAdmin, when you use the CONCAT() function to combine strings, it can sometimes lead to unexpected results, especially when dealing with numeric columns or custom values. This is because PHPMyAdmin might interpret the data type incorrectly, leading to a 0 result.

The Solution: A Step-by-Step Approach

To overcome this challenge, we’ll employ a combination of SQL functions and clever manipulation of data types. Follow along as we break down the solution into manageable chunks:

Step 1: Extract the Substring

Use the SUBSTRING() function to extract the desired substring from the column. The syntax is as follows:

SUBSTRING(column_name, start_position, length)


SELECT SUBSTRING(name, 1, 5) AS substring FROM table_name;

This will extract the first 5 characters from the “name” column.

Step 2: Combine the Substring with Another Column

Now, use the CONCAT() function to combine the extracted substring with another column. Be mindful of the data types, as we’ll address this issue later:

SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTRING(name, 1, 5), column2) AS combined FROM table_name;

This will combine the substring from Step 1 with the values from “column2”.

Step 3: Add a Custom Value

To add a custom value to the combined result, use the CONCAT() function again, making sure to encapsulate the custom value within single quotes:

SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTRING(name, 1, 5), column2, ' Custom Value') AS final_result FROM table_name;

This will append the custom value ” Custom Value” to the combined result from Step 2.

Addressing Data Type Issues

To overcome the data type mismatch, you can explicitly cast the columns to the desired data type using the CAST() function:

SELECT CONCAT(CAST(SUBSTRING(name, 1, 5) AS CHAR), CAST(column2 AS CHAR), ' Custom Value') AS final_result FROM table_name;

By casting both columns to CHAR, we ensure that the CONCAT() function treats them as strings, preventing any data type conflicts.

Example Table and Data

Let’s create a sample table “employees” with three columns: “name”, “department”, and ” salary”:

name department salary
John Doe Sales 50000
Jane Smith Marketing 60000
Bob Brown IT 70000

Putting it All Together

Now, let’s apply the solution to our example table. We want to extract the first 5 characters from the “name” column, combine it with the “department” column, and then add the custom value ” – Employee”:

SELECT CONCAT(CAST(SUBSTRING(name, 1, 5) AS CHAR), CAST(department AS CHAR), ' - Employee') AS final_result FROM employees;

The resulting output should be:

JohnS – Sales – Employee
JaneS – Marketing – Employee
BobBr – IT – Employee

Voilà! You’ve successfully overcome the challenge of adding a substring from a column, another column, and a custom value without returning 0.


In this article, we’ve demystified the enigmatic conundrum of adding a substring from a column, another column, and a custom value in SQL (phpMyAdmin). By employing the SUBSTRING(), CONCAT(), and CAST() functions, you can now tackle similar challenges with confidence. Remember to always cast your columns to the desired data type to avoid data type mismatches. With this knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to conquer even the most perplexing SQL puzzles.

Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need assistance with a specific problem!

Frequently Asked Questions

Got stuck with adding substrings in SQL? We’ve got you covered! Check out these FAQs to resolve the issue of returning 0 when trying to add a substring from a column, column, and custom value in phpMyAdmin.

Why does my SQL query return 0 when trying to add a substring from a column and a custom value?

This might be because the data type of the column is integer, and you’re trying to add a string value to it. Make sure to cast the integer column to a string type, such as VARCHAR or TEXT, before adding the substring.

How do I add a substring from one column to another column in the same table using SQL?

You can use the CONCAT function to add a substring from one column to another. For example, `UPDATE table_name SET column2 = CONCAT(column1, ‘, ‘, ‘custom_value’)` would add the substring from column1, a comma, and the custom value to column2.

What is the correct syntax to add a substring from a column and a custom value in SQL?

The correct syntax depends on the database management system you’re using. In MySQL (phpMyAdmin), you can use the CONCAT function: `CONCAT(SUBSTRING(column_name, start, length), ‘custom_value’)`. Replace `column_name` with the name of the column, `start` with the starting position of the substring, and `length` with the length of the substring.

Why is my SQL query returning 0 when using the SUBSTRING function?

This might be because the starting position or length of the substring is incorrect. Make sure the starting position is 1-based (not 0-based) and the length is within the bounds of the string. Also, check if the column contains NULL values, as SUBSTRING returns NULL if the input string is NULL.

Can I add a substring from a column to a custom value in SQL without using the CONCAT function?

Yes, you can use the `+` operator to concatenate strings in SQL. For example, `UPDATE table_name SET column2 = column1 + ‘custom_value’`. However, this might not work in all database management systems, so it’s recommended to use the CONCAT function for better compatibility.