Django Model Magic: Adding a Scheme to URL Fields if Not Represented
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Django Model Magic: Adding a Scheme to URL Fields if Not Represented

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Are you tired of dealing with URL fields in your Django models that sometimes have a scheme and sometimes don’t? Do you wish there was a way to ensure that every URL field has a scheme, whether it’s HTTP, HTTPS, or something else? Well, wish no more! In this article, we’ll show you how to add a scheme to URL fields in your Django models if it’s not already represented.

Why Should You Care?

Having a scheme in your URL fields is important for several reasons:

  • Consistency**: Without a scheme, your URLs can be inconsistent, making it difficult to work with them in your code.
  • Validity**: Some URLs might not be valid without a scheme, which can cause issues when trying to access them.
  • SEO**: Search engines like Google might have trouble crawling your website if your URLs don’t have a scheme.

The Problem: URL Fields Without Schemes

By default, Django’s URLField doesn’t require a scheme. This means that users can enter URLs without schemes, which can lead to the issues mentioned above. Here’s an example:

from django.db import models

class MyModel(models.Model):
    url = models.URLField()

In this example, the `url` field can be entered without a scheme, like this:

The Solution: Adding a Scheme to URL Fields

To add a scheme to URL fields if it’s not already represented, we can use a custom validator function. A validator function is a function that takes a value as an argument and raises a `ValidationError` if the value doesn’t meet certain criteria.

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import URLValidator

def add_scheme_if_missing(value):
    url_validator = URLValidator()
    if not value.startswith('http'):
        value = f'http://{value}'
    except ValidationError:
        raise ValidationError('Invalid URL')
    return value

This validator function checks if the URL starts with “http”. If it doesn’t, it adds “http://” to the beginning of the URL. Then, it uses Django’s built-in `URLValidator` to validate the URL. If the URL is invalid, it raises a `ValidationError`.

Using the Validator Function in Your Model

To use the validator function in your model, you can add it to the `validators` list of the `URLField`. Here’s an updated version of our previous example:

from django.db import models
from .validators import add_scheme_if_missing

class MyModel(models.Model):
    url = models.URLField(validators=[add_scheme_if_missing])

In this example, the `add_scheme_if_missing` validator function is added to the `validators` list of the `url` field. This means that whenever a URL is entered or updated, the validator function will be called to check if the URL has a scheme. If it doesn’t, it will add “http://” to the beginning of the URL.

Testing the Validator Function

To test the validator function, let’s create some test cases:

from django.test import TestCase
from .models import MyModel
from .validators import add_scheme_if_missing

class TestAddSchemeIfMissing(TestCase):
    def test_add_scheme_if_missing(self):
        url = ''
        self.assertEqual(add_scheme_if_missing(url), '')

    def test_add_scheme_if_already_present(self):
        url = ''
        self.assertEqual(add_scheme_if_missing(url), url)

    def test_invalid_url(self):
        url = 'invalid url'
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):

In this example, we have three test cases:

  • test_add_scheme_if_missing: Tests that the validator function adds “http://” to a URL without a scheme.
  • test_add_scheme_if_already_present: Tests that the validator function doesn’t change a URL that already has a scheme.
  • test_invalid_url: Tests that the validator function raises a ValidationError if the URL is invalid.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to add a scheme to URL fields in your Django models if it’s not already represented. By using a custom validator function, you can ensure that all URLs in your database have a scheme, making them consistent, valid, and SEO-friendly.

Remember to add the validator function to your model’s `URLField` and test it thoroughly to ensure it works as expected. With this solution, you can rest assured that your URLs will always have a scheme, making your life as a Django developer much easier.

Advantages Disadvantages
Consistent URLs Adds overhead to URL validation
Valid URLs Might not work with certain URL schemes
SEO-friendly URLs Requires additional testing

We hope this article has been helpful in showing you how to add a scheme to URL fields in your Django models. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “django model add scheme to url field if not represented” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Django models and URL fields!

How do I add a scheme to a URL field in a Django model if it’s not already represented?

You can use the `urlparse` function from the `urllib.parse` module to add a scheme to a URL field in a Django model. For example, you can override the `save` method of your model and add the scheme if it’s not already present. Here’s an example: `from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse; … def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not urlparse(self.url).scheme: self.url = f”http://{self.url}”; super().save(*args, **kwargs)`

What if I want to add a specific scheme (e.g., HTTPS) to all URLs in my model?

In that case, you can use a similar approach to the previous answer, but with a slight modification. You can add a `scheme` parameter to the `urlunparse` function, like this: `self.url = urlunparse(ParseResult(scheme=’https’, netloc=urlparse(self.url).netloc, path=urlparse(self.url).path, params=urlparse(self.url).params, query=urlparse(self.url).query, fragment=urlparse(self.url).fragment))`. This will add the HTTPS scheme to all URLs in your model.

Can I use a validator to ensure that all URLs in my model have a scheme?

Yes, you can create a custom validator using Django’s built-in ` validators` module. For example, you can create a `URLSchemeValidator` that checks if a URL has a scheme, and raises a `ValidationError` if not. Here’s an example: `from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError; … def URLSchemeValidator(url): if not urlparse(url).scheme: raise ValidationError(“URL must have a scheme (e.g., http or https)”)`. You can then add this validator to your model’s URL field.

How do I handle cases where the user enters a URL without a scheme (e.g.,

In this case, you can use a combination of the `urlparse` function and some string manipulation to add a default scheme (e.g., HTTPS) to the URL. For example: `if not urlparse(self.url).scheme: self.url = f”https://{self.url}”`. This will add the HTTPS scheme to the URL if it’s not already present.

What are some potential pitfalls or edge cases to consider when adding schemes to URL fields in Django models?

Some potential pitfalls to consider include: URLs with relative paths, URLs with non-standard schemes (e.g., ftp), and URLs with malformed syntax. You’ll want to ensure that your solution handles these cases correctly, and maybe even adds some additional error handling or validation to catch any unexpected inputs.