Overflow while performing addition in one way and getting correct output in other way but why?
Image by Abigayl - hkhazo.biz.id

Overflow while performing addition in one way and getting correct output in other way but why?

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Have you ever stumbled upon a situation where you’re performing a simple addition operation, but somehow, someway, you end up with an overflow error in one scenario, but magically get the correct output in another? You’re not alone! This conundrum has puzzled many a programmer, and today, we’re going to unravel the mystery behind this phenomenon.

The Problem Statement

Let’s consider a straightforward example in C programming language:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int a = 2147483647; // maximum value for an int in C
    int b = 1;

    int result1 = a + b; // scenario 1
    int result2 = b + a; // scenario 2

    printf("Result 1: %d\n", result1);
    printf("Result 2: %d\n", result2);

    return 0;

Now, if we run this code, we would expect both `result1` and `result2` to overflow, since we’re exceeding the maximum value an `int` can hold in C, which is 2147483647. However, the output might surprise you:

Result 1: -2147483648
Result 2: 2147483648

What’s Going On?

In Scenario 1, `a + b` results in an overflow, causing the value to wrap around to the minimum value an `int` can hold in C, which is -2147483648. But wait, what about Scenario 2? Why does `b + a` produce the correct result, 2147483648?

The Culprit: Order of Operations

The key to understanding this behavior lies in the order of operations. When you perform an addition operation in C, the compiler follows a specific sequence of actions:

  1. Evaluate the operands (a and b)
  2. Perform the addition operation
  3. Assign the result to the left-hand side (result1 or result2)

In Scenario 1, `a` is evaluated first, and since it’s already at the maximum value, adding 1 to it causes an overflow. This means the result is no longer a valid `int` value, hence the wrap-around to -2147483648.

In Scenario 2, however, the order of operations is reversed. `b` is evaluated first, which is simply 1. Then, `a` is added to `b`. Because `b` is a small value, the addition operation doesn’t overflow, and the correct result is produced.

The Root Cause: Integer Overflow

Integer overflow occurs when an arithmetic operation attempts to produce a value that exceeds the range of the data type. In C, when an `int` overflows, it wraps around to the minimum value, which is -2147483648 for a 32-bit signed integer. This is known as a two’s complement representation.

When you add 1 to the maximum value of an `int`, the most significant bit is set, which flips the sign, effectively wrapping the value around to the minimum value.

Binary Representation Decimal Value
01111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 2147483647 (maximum int value)
10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 -2147483648 (minimum int value)

Avoiding Overflow

To prevent overflow errors, it’s essential to be mindful of the data type ranges and perform checks before executing arithmetic operations. Here are a few strategies:

  • Use larger data types: Instead of using `int`, consider using `long long` or `unsigned int` to accommodate a broader range of values.
  • Check for overflow: Perform checks before executing the addition operation to ensure the result won’t exceed the data type range.
  • Use saturated arithmetic: Implement saturated arithmetic operations that prevent overflow by clamping the result to the minimum or maximum value of the data type.


The curious case of overflow while performing addition in one way and getting the correct output in another way is a classic example of how the order of operations and integer overflow can lead to unexpected results. By understanding the underlying mechanisms and taking preventative measures, you can avoid these pitfalls and write more robust and reliable code.

So, the next time you encounter an overflow error, remember to investigate the order of operations and data type ranges. With this newfound knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most perplexing programming puzzles!

Frequently Asked Question

Ever wondered why you get an overflow while performing addition in one way, but not in another? We’ve got the answers!

Q1: What happens when I add two large numbers in a programming language?

When you add two large numbers in a programming language, the result may exceed the maximum capacity of the data type you’re using. This can cause an overflow, leading to incorrect results or even errors. However, if you use a larger data type or cast the result to a bigger type, you can avoid the overflow and get the correct output.

Q2: Why do I get an overflow when adding numbers in a specific order, but not when I change the order?

The order of operations matters! When you add numbers in a specific order, the intermediate results may exceed the capacity of the data type, causing an overflow. However, when you change the order, the intermediate results may stay within the capacity, avoiding the overflow. This is because the order of operations affects the way the numbers are temporarily stored and processed.

Q3: How can I predict when an overflow will occur during addition?

To predict an overflow, you need to consider the range of the data type you’re using and the size of the numbers being added. If the result of the addition exceeds the maximum capacity of the data type, an overflow will occur. You can use bitwise operations or cast the result to a bigger type to avoid the overflow.

Q4: Can I always avoid overflows by using a larger data type?

Not always! While using a larger data type can help avoid overflows, it’s not a guarantee. If the numbers being added are extremely large, even a larger data type may not be enough to hold the result. Additionally, using a larger data type can lead to increased memory usage and slower performance. It’s essential to consider the trade-offs when choosing a data type.

Q5: Why do some programming languages handle overflows differently than others?

Different programming languages have varying approaches to handling overflows due to their design philosophies and intended use cases. Some languages, like Python, use arbitrary-precision arithmetic to avoid overflows, while others, like C, may wrap around or saturate the result. Understanding the language’s behavior is crucial to writing robust and reliable code.